Thursday 27 March 2014

Daily Routine For My 7 Month Old

I am not an expert in baby routines, I have read a couple of books and articles but our routine fell into place quite naturally rather than something I created based on a specific model. This is what seems to be working quite well for us at the moment.

08.00 Rise & Shine. Baby has bottle & nappy change
08.30 I have breakfast & baby plays on play mat
09.00 I prepare baby's breakfast & bottles for the day
09.15 Baby has his breakfast (usually porridge and pureed fruit)
09.45 We play & read together
10.30 Baby goes down for nap. I clean up
11.30 Baby wakes and has his bottle & nappy change
12.00 I get ready for the day/baby plays in cot or on bed
12.30 We go for walk/to the shops
13.30 Arrive home. Baby has his lunch (usually pureed veg)
14.00 I have my lunch. Baby plays on play mat/in bouncy chair
14.30 Baby has a nap. I clean up.
15.30 Baby wakes and has half a bottle & a nappy change
16.00 We play together (sing, do an art activity etc)
17.00 I prepares baby's dinner. Baby sits in high chair playing with toy.
17.30 Baby has dinner (usually meat/chicken/fish pureed with veg)
18.00 Baby has half a bottle and nappy change
18.30 I prepare adults dinner. Baby plays on play mat
19.00 Baby has wash, change of clothes. Daddy usually arrives home from work and plays with baby.
20.00 Baby has last bottle of the day, nappy change & off to bed.

This is a 'typical daily routine' but in saying that no day is completely like this. Sometimes baby will sleep a little longer/sometimes a little less, occasionally he will not take a nap at all. Sometimes he will not play alone whilst I prepare dinner or will be hungry at different times so this will impact upon the schedule. Also the days when we go to playgroup together or have other activities to do will not be exactly like this.Therefore it is not something I stick to religiously but rather something I keep in the back of my mind as a checklist for my day.
There are some amendments I would like to make to our current routine:
1. I would like to cut down the amount of milk he is talking (I have cut down from 5 bottles to 4 bottles a day but would like to further reduce this down to 3 bottles. He loves his milk so this may be difficult).
2. I would like to get myself ready earlier in the day, ideally when he is having his morning nap. However as he currently sleeps in our room I do not want to disturb him when he is sleeping. This will be easier when he moves to his own room next month.
3. I would like to have him in his cot and asleep by 8pm rather than 8.30/9pm as currently happens.

Thanks for taking the time to read, I would love to know about your routines with your babies and how you feel they work.